Solutions for the End Times: Plans for Blessing As We Reach the End of the Age
This collaboration between several medical professionals, pastors, researchers, and biblical scholars, has been a labor of love motivated by a desire to educate people with the best information available related to current events. Having the truth emboldens people for action.
Unmasking The Future
A Guide to End-Time Prophecies and Today's Headlines.
What Was I Thinking?
Understanding the mind-body-spirit connection to good health.
Spitirual Encounters with The Shroud
The vital message encoded into the burial cloth of the risen Savior.
Nothing Is Impossible
Caspar's account of being resurrected and healed of all diseases.
Exposing the Spirit of Self-Pity
Discover the hidden foe that is at the root of many problems today.
The Bible From a Medical Perspective
Medicine From a Biblical Perspective
Dr. Michelle Strydom’s newest book. Only available in America through
We honour Eagles' Wings Ministry for this enormous step in obedience. May every seed sown, return a hundredfold harvest.
The purpose of this book is to take the mystery out of disease. Dr. MK Strydom explains in simple language why and how different diseases develop from a medical and Biblical perspective. She gives insight into how you can use the Truth of the Scriptures in combination with knowledge from medical science to overcome diseases.
Discover the foundation of all diseases as you are given revelation of the spiritual, psychological, emotional and physical mechanisms that produce disease and see how your long term thought patterns cause the biological manifestation of the symptoms of a disease.
This book will take you through the process to walk in divine health and come to experience a deep and intimate love relationship with Abba Father.
As we pursue Abba Father's heart in our own personal relationship with Him - we are growing and learning more and more in understanding how to operate according to His Kingdom ways. In the area of finance - we have learnt how His kingdom economy works is very different (and many times the complete opposite) to the way that the world operates in finance and business. Whilst the world operates in the system of "buying and selling" - Abba Father has been leading us into His Kingdom principle of "sowing and reaping."
We trust Abba Father in faith to be our Provider - so it is our great joy and honor to give this book to you, free of charge - as a "seed" we are investing into your life - trusting with faith and thanksgiving that it will bring great blessing, breakthrough and an abundant harvest of Godly fruit in your life - as well as many others that you share it with. Our only request is that if you choose to receive this book - that you use it (i.e. don't let it collect dust on the shelf - read and apply it to your life! ... or give it to someone who will!) - because each book is a "precious seed" which carries the investment of alot of time, work, love, faith and financial miracles from Abba Father on our end - to have been able to get this printed book into your hands - so please be faithful to use this precious seed wisely.
It is also our desire to sow back into Eagles’ Wings ministry as Dr. Michelle Strydom and her ministry has entrusted us as her sole distributor in the USA. After praying, our team has determined that we are to ask for a suggested donation of $50.00 to cover postage, shipping + handling of this nearly 1000 page book of vital information for our times. We have a limited supply of books and therefore are allowing only one per customer, please.
I you like to obtain a copy please donate here We will need your mailing address.
IMPORTANT During the donation process, in the memo, please write that "This is for the book The Bible From a Medical Perspective" and include your mailing address. Only shipping to the United States.
Not to be sold for any cost!
Banking details should you feel led to sow a seed:
Pastor Caspar McCloud and the URF team.

IMPORTANT During the donation process, in the memo, please write that "This is for the book The Bible From a Medical Perspective" and include your mailing address.
Only shipping to the United States.
Only shipping to the United States.